Upcoming Events

Southern Arizona Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club are on the second Thursday of all months except December and January

 Thursday, November 14, 2024

Board Meeting:  11:30 am, Hungry Fox Restaurant, 4637 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ  520-326-2835.  All are welcome.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Thanksgiving Dinner:  Join us at John L. Lewis’s new digs at Far Horizons East, 7570 E Speedway in the Community Room.  Far Horizons entrance is on the south side of Speedway between Kolb and Pantano, where the emergency light is across from the fire station.  As you enter Far Horizons, you will be stopped at the security gate.  Just tell the guard that you are going to the Community Room for a Studebaker event hosted by John L Lewis.  The guard will be excepting us.  Dee Northington has graciously volunteered to be the Food Coordinator again this year.  Please contact Dee at LD54Studebaker@gmail.com net by November 6, if you are attending, so we can give a list of names to the security gate.  Please plan on eating great food and of course, winning the 50/50.

Wednesday, December 4, 2025

Gaslight Theater:  “Scrooge, a Merry Miserly Christmas Carol” at the Gaslight Theater, 7010 E Broadway, Tucson.  Doors open at 1 pm.  We have 46 seats reserved.  Ticket prices are $28.26 (Seniors, Students and Military,) $30.44 (Adults,) and $19.57 (Children 2-12.)   RSVP to Randy at  dgrg0823@comcast.net   or 520-749-4484 and payment should be sent to SAC-SDC, PO Box 12913, Tucson, AZ 85732.  Payment and RSCP need to be in by November 19.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Board Meeting:  Will be at the Christmas Party.  See Upcoming Events for location.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmas Pot Luck:  Save the date.  Ann Pearson is hosting this year’s potluck at her house.  Dee Northington has graciously volunteered to be the Food Coordinator again this year.  Please contact Dee at  LD54Studebaker@gmail.com   or 520-869-9956.  Ann’s address and phone number are:  10550 E Old Spanish Trail, Tucson, AZ 85748. 520-975-0660.  From Houghton Road and Old Spanish Trail on the East side, East on Old Spanish Trail about one mile to the intersection of Calle Los Reyes on the right side.  Ann’s driveway comes out right at the corner.  Make a sharp right onto a dirt driveway.  Go past a White House with brown trim.  The driveway goes all the way around the house.  Parking is available in the front and in the back of the house.  The house is an old ranch house with porches around the house.  Please plan on eating great food and of course, winning the 50/50.

 Sunday, January 19, 2025

Annual Chapter Banquet and Business Meeting:  11:30 am; eat at 12:00 noon at the White Stallion Ranch, 9251 W Twin Peaks Road with the doors open at 11:30 am and serving starts at 12:00 pm.  We have the use of the room until 3:00 pm.  Menu will be hamburgers, chicken and sides.  There will be a short business meeting, with the election of officers, 50/50 drawing and auction.  The price is $37.  RSVP a must to Randy at dgrg0823@comcast.net by January 7.  Please send in payment to SAC-SDC, PO Box 12913, Tucson, AZ 85732.  The Chapter will need to pre-pay for the total count on January 10, 2025.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Board Meeting:  11:30 am, Hungry Fox Restaurant, 4637 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ  520-326-2835.  All are welcome.